Exo is an ongoing series of paintings of conceptualized “gods” of known Exoplanets. View fullsize Keplar 10b. I wanted to make it a dragon due to the fiery and "scorched land" the planet contains. Dragons are often associated with fire and are ferocious just like the blistering heat that plagues this exoplanet. View fullsize Tres 2b. The darkest known exoplanet. It reflects less than 1% of all light that touches it. This planet is also extremely hot. You would not be able to even see yourself burn alive. I wanted to make the god a silhouette, reflecting small amounts of light with flames covering its body as if it was being burned. There were inspirations from medieval torches with its accessories. View fullsize HD 189733b. Beautifully blue on the outside, and a swirling hurricane of death on the inside. This planet rains shards of molten glass sideways in 5,400mph winds. This was the first creation of the series. I wanted to create an abstract human shape with glass "wings." The knees that form into a whispy tail as well as the minerals growing out of its body brought a new form of elegance yet monstrous. View fullsize Gliese 1214 b: This is known as a "water world" with the planet being completely filled with water with an icy core. I wanted to make it fish-like at first, but since it is unknown the species that live- or if any live at all- on this planet, I went with a more general and amalgamation of nature. I enjoyed creating a colorful piece for once.